Un proverbio finlandés dice: "La felicidad es un lugar entre lo poco y lo mucho".

Para muchos propietarios de larga data, el cambio a "demasiado" puede ocurrir sin siquiera darse cuenta. La acumulación de "cosas" a lo largo de los años, las agendas apretadas y, simplemente, la falta de tiempo para organizar por fin el sótano, el ático o el garaje....

Todo esto puede suponer una tarea abrumadora cuando los propietarios se enfrentan a una mudanza.

Muchos propietarios se resignan a empaquetar todas sus pertenencias y a esperar encontrar el tiempo para clasificar y desechar mientras desempaquetan. Pero, ¡hay una forma mejor!

Descartar y donar

Discard & Donate professionals help sort, organize, and remove items prior to a move. Taking this time upfront enhances the marketability of a home during showings, reduces the overall cost of a move, and helps homeowners settle into their new homes more quickly. Not to mention, Discard & Donate also reduces transferees’ stress levels by providing part consultants, part coordinators, and part hard workers to support your employees and their families.

Global Mobility ESG

ESG Considerations

El impacto medioambiental de la clasificación, el descarte o la donación también es importante. Algunas empresas de mudanzas calculan el número de árboles que se salvan en cada traslado al eliminar el cartón y el material de embalaje. Esto se suma al ahorro de combustible y a la reutilización de artículos mediante la donación en lugar de enviarlos a un vertedero.

Not all household goods shipments are created equal, in terms of carbon emissions. In fact, the carbon footprint of air shipments is disproportionately high compared to other transportation modes, making it imperative for businesses and global mobility programs to seek sustainable alternatives; This includes preventing the item from ever being shipped by leveraging Discard & Donate. 

Cómo funciona el servicio

Relocation management companies (RMCs) like WHR Global work with these Discard & Donate providers to aid employees, families, and their employers. The homeowner first completes a needs assessment with the provider to determine the scope of services needed. They can arrange for unwanted items to be picked up and donated to charity. Any goods that are unable to be donated will be taken by the provider to the appropriate waste removal site.

When determining which household items to keep, discard, or donate, it’s critical for relocating employees to ask themselves the following questions:

  1. ¿Utiliza el artículo con regularidad?
  2. ¿Tiene valor sentimental?
  3. ¿Lo guarda "por si acaso"?
  4. ¿Tiene más de uno?
  5. Can you easily replace it in the destination?

El coste

Pricing for Discard & Donate is determined by the amount of goods discarded or donated. However, if you — the employer — are paying for the move, the service fee is nominal compared to the transportation savings (with an additional $.65 per lb. of savings remaining).

Ejemplo: Retirar 2.000 libras de enseres domésticos

Standard shipping cost:                   $2,400
Discard & Donate fee:                       –$1,100 
Savings on one shipment:                $1,300


Just remember: “The more things you own, the more they own you.” Relocating employees have enough concerns, including housing, timelines, cost of living, and more. 

Contact us to find out more about how Discard & Donate services can help relocating employees declutter, be happy in their new homes, and save your company money in the move process.