four individuals seated at a table, two shaking hands






One of the crucial aspects of a relocation package is the benefits your company will cover for the employee. It is not only about what you will cover as an employer, but also how much you will pay for the expense types, which can include the following:

  • 梱包・移動
  • ハウスハンティング
  • 交通機関
  • 短期滞在型宿泊施設
  • 出荷
  • その他

Build Tiers into your Relocation Packages

While it is vital to offer security to your employee during the relocation, it is best to align the package based on the employee’s level in the company. Make sure to offer the package that aligns to best practices for that type of position. Not all positions should warrant a relocation package.



  • フルカバレッジ:雇用主としてサービスを予約するか、従業員に払い戻すか、何がカバーされるかのガイドラインを設定することができます。
  • Lump Sum: A certain amount of money is given to the employee for the relocation. It gives them flexibility, but it also means the employee has to plan the relocation details.
  • 上限付き手当。従業員に一定額の移転費用を支給し、使い切れなかった分は会社に戻ってくる。





  • 配偶者またはパートナーのための雇用支援
  • 学校情報の入手
  • 社員と家族が新天地とその文化について学ぶための文化研修。

Benchmark Your Competitors



Instead of spending time on the research and coming up with relocation policies, you have less to worry about when you outsource the process. A good RMC will do the work for you while providing your employees with the best experience and highest customer service. There are quite a few benefits in hiring a professional employee relocation company:

  • You will get a customized relocation strategy that has a transparent approach, along with a tiered system. If needed, the company can also offer benefits as per individual requirements (à la carte approach).
  • 彼らは自分の仕事を熟知し、国内外のリソースを持ち、プロセスを簡素化することで従業員がスムーズに移行できるようにします。また、プロフェッショナルは、移転が新しい場所と現地の規制に準拠していることを保証します。
  • テクノロジーベースのソリューションは、ほとんどの著名なRMCによって提供されています。彼らは、プロセスに透明性があるように、業務を容易にするために、システムをあなたのITプラットフォームと統合することがあります。また、クラウドベースのライブレポートにより、費用対効果が高く、透明性の高い手続きを実現します。
  • 従業員や雇用主はやるべき仕事に集中でき、RMCは移転に関連するその他の仕事を行います。

Wrapping Up

If you want to mobilize the company’s talent, the best way to do it is to put yourself in their shoes. Consider that an employee must weigh the benefits of a new opportunity against the financial and emotional transition of starting a life in a new place. Hence, supporting them during this process will reflect on your company’s engagement with the employees and the positive culture that it harnesses. Having a comprehensive relocation program can be a persuasive tool for hiring and retaining talented, and having dedicated employees working for your company. The best way to go about it as an employer is to contract a professional relocation management company like WHR Global, which will care for you and your employee’s relocation needs.