WHR Insights: Global Mobility Data Analytics

Make data-driven decisions with our WHR Insights dashboards to improve your talent mobility and employee relocation programs.


Benefits of the WHR Insights dashboard tool:


Mobility & HR Teams need access to real-time data to enhance decision-making, program visibility, & policy changes.



Many global mobility contacts have to run reports themselves — WHR Insights will call out the meaningful trends for you.


Interactive data visualizations allow mobility contacts to adjust their policies on-the-go rather than waiting for quarterly or annual presentations.


Mobility contacts can view estimated budgets vs actual in real time, adjusting specific regions, locations, or benefit tiers.


All dashboards can be custom-branded to company colors and logos to be exported and distributed to internal teams immediately.

Client Testimonials About WHR Insights

How do you utilize WHR Insights?

“I utilize the WHR insights tool to review costs for specific employees. It also helps me track where we are in the process with a transferee, providing valuable insights.”

How has WHR Insights positively impacted your mobility program?

“The insights tool has positively impacted our mobility program by providing detailed cost breakdowns for each employee, helping us make informed decisions. It also streamlines the process, allowing us to efficiently track expenses, manage budgets and review our repayment agreements. Overall, it has increased our program’s transparency and effectiveness.”

HR Analyst, Mobility

Fortune 500 Food & Beverage Company

How do you utilize WHR Insights?

“Mainly for reviewing specific aspects of our relocations, both domestically and internationally, to provide cost analysis and comparisons.”

How has WHR Insights positively impacted your mobility program?

“Insights gives me tools to review trending changes to what offerings are being utilized. It also streamlines access to information I need by removing the middleman.”

What kinds of policy, benefit, or program changes have you made based on data or trends identified in WHR Insights?

“Changes have not been made yet, but we are looking at potential policy updates based on our current offerings and how they are utilized.”

HR Excellence Analyst

Fortune 500 Food & Beverage Company


WHR Insightsのご紹介:グローバルモビリティプログラムのためのエンタープライズ・ビジネス・インテリジェンス。

Each year, thousands of relocations feed millions of data points to WHR’s operating system, CARICS. Without guidance and structure, it’s hard to identify which data is important, which data is irrelevant, and which policies & procedures are a bottleneck to your mobility program.


WHR Insightsは、WHR Client Portalに組み込まれたインタラクティブなデータの可視化を提供するもので、すべてのクライアントに無料で提供されています。モビリティと人事チームは、新しいデータで毎晩更新される一連の移転ダッシュボードにすぐにアクセスすることができます。これらのダッシュボードは、貴社のプログラム、ポリシー、および福利厚生に合うように手作りされており、追加費用なしで貴社の色やロゴにカスタマイズすることが可能です。



  • プログラムの総支出を給付階層別、地域別、あるいは家庭用品の出荷などの構成要素別に比較。
  • サービス、技術提供、会社方針に対する満足度を測るための従業員アンケートの回答。
  • イニシエーションの傾向
  • ポリシーの例外
  • 予算の活用を管理した。
  • Core-Flexのコンポーネント活用。
  • そして、Tier II Diversity Spend、家財保険請求額などのKPI。

WHR Insightsを利用してプログラムを最適化することで、企業は移転プロセスにおいて従業員に最善のサポートを提供することができ、ひいては従業員の満足度と定着率を向上させることができるのです。

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