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WHR Global Named a Top Workplace by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for 2024
WHR Global is proud of this ten-time recognition and its very talented employees. For the tenth time, WHR Global (WHR) was named a Top Workplace by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Top Workplaces...

WHR Global Receives EcoVadis Silver Sustainability Rating
WHR Global Receives EcoVadis Silver Sustainability Rating

Webinar | Navigating Towards Sustainable Mobility: Household Goods Shipments
Sustainability and Global Mobility Webinar: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 10 am central time. Watch and listen as our panel of subject-matter experts build awareness around sustainability in the global mobility industry. Webinar Speakers Panelist: Jeff...

WHR Global Named a Top Workplace by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for 2024
WHR Global is proud of this ten-time recognition and its very talented employees. For the tenth time, WHR Global (WHR) was named a Top Workplace by...

WHR Global Receives EcoVadis Silver Sustainability Rating
WHR Global Receives EcoVadis Silver Sustainability Rating

Webinar | Navigating Towards Sustainable Mobility: Household Goods Shipments
Sustainability and Global Mobility Webinar: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 10 am central time. Watch and listen as our panel of subject-matter experts build awareness around sustainability in the global mobility industry. Webinar Speakers Panelist: Jeff...
The WHR Intern Experience: Part One
Editor's Note: We asked two of our 2018 summer interns, Alexis Harris and Joe Plantier, to write about their experience and work at WHR Group. Read Part Two by Joe Plantier here. My name is Alexis Harris and I’m going into my senior year at the University of...
An Insider Look at WHR’s Agent Qualification Process
Ten minutes. It takes less than ten minutes to qualify a new agent within WHR Group's Real Estate Partner Network. That isn't a lot of time. But, by asking specific, targeted questions, and speaking directly with the agents, WHR's Vendor Management Department is able...
Music on the Moving Mind
Even if your transferring employee is excited about their upcoming move, relocation is stressful. Whether they're cleaning their current home to prepare for listing, finding a new school for the kids, or dealing with movers, all tasks, large and small, quickly become...
Reducing Global Mobility Risks When Relocating Employees
Finding the perfect candidate is just the beginning. You then have to make sure that person is up for the move, because failed relocations can occur, and they are costly. By evaluating and addressing these four risk factors, you’ll give your employees a better chance...
Overcoming Five Employee Concerns to Relocation
Making any life changing decision requires thought and consideration, especially if that decision is taking you across the country, or even across the globe! It’s easy to forget that even the most excited employees have concerns about the relocation process. Frequent...
Cultivating a Culture of Teamwork
Cultural training for employees who will be working internationally is perhaps more important today than ever before. For many companies, there has been a significant paradigm shift away from the strictly bi-cultural focus of such training, opting instead for an...
What’s Trending: Global Mobility GOOOAAAALS!
Whether you’re a fan or not, I'm sure you've seen that the 2018 FIFA World Cup begins this week. In many ways, soccer (or football, depending on where you’re located!) is a complex game of techniques, rules (aka the Laws of the Game), and controversies. However, when...
Survey Fatigue: It’s Real and It’s Here
Do you ever pay attention to the onslaught of survey requests you receive daily? I’ve started to – and I must say, it’s a lot! When I buy something, there’s almost always a survey request on the receipt. A few days after a flight, a survey request from the airline...
“But we’ve always done it this way”
How many times have you heard “but, we’ve always done it this way!” proclaimed in your organization regarding your processes or service offerings? Change is hard. And regardless of whether we’re motivated by our negative emotions, or simply underestimate the process...
Ready to learn more about how we can help with your relocation services?