WHR Chooses Winners of its 2020 Partner in Quality Award

WHR Group, Inc., (WHR) has chosen its 2020 Partner in Quality Award winners. Award recipients are WHR Global Network Partners who exceeded customer satisfaction and service excellence throughout 2020.

To be considered for a Partner in Quality Award, a Partner must complete at least 20 transactions in the year and receive performance rankings within the top one percentile of the relocation partner’s service category.

The award recipients below exceeded WHR’s expectations in cost management, customer satisfaction, quality and supply chain management.

2020 Partner in Quality Award

2020 Partner in Quality Award Winners

WHR Group Opens Switzerland and Singapore Offices to Serve the Needs of Global Clients

PEWAUKEE, Wis., November 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ – WHR Group, Inc. (WHR), a global leader in the employee relocation industry headquartered in Wisconsin, announces its international expansion into Basel, Switzerland, and Singapore. The Switzerland office will support clients and their transferees in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, while the Singapore office will support the Asia Pacific region.

Founded 25 years ago by Roger Thrun to service and support in-house relocation departments, WHR has grown significantly from its humble beginnings. WHR now services some of the largest organizations in the world and has relocated hundreds of thousands of employees.

“Creating a footprint in Europe, the Middle EastAfrica and Asia deepens our commitment to meet the demands of our global clients,” says President, Paul DeBoer. “We are engaging clients in dynamic new ways by providing resources where needed and building supplier partnerships that are critical to maintaining industry-best service levels.”

WHR International Client Services Manager Linden Houghtby, GMS®, will be the transitional lead for both the Switzerland and Singapore offices. She will hire and train local staff who will then assume leadership and operational roles for each office. Houghtby has been instrumental in WHR’s international expansion and looks forward to instilling WHR’s culture and best practices into international operations.

WHR recently hired Jennifer Elsby, GMS®, as a Client Services Manager for the Switzerland office. After her transitional period with Houghtby, Elsby will lead and grow the Switzerland office. She has a broad background in expatriate management, leading teams in the U.S., Europe and Africa, and is uniquely qualified to fill this role.

About WHR Group, Inc.

WHR Group Inc. (WHR) is a privately owned, client-driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best-in-class service delivery and cutting-edge, proprietary technology. WHR has offices in Pewaukee, Wis.Switzerland and Singapore. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted provider in global employee relocation. To learn more about WHR, visit https://www.whrg.com, or follow @WHRGroup on LinkedInTwitter and Facebook.

Media Contact
Mindy Stroiman, Corporate Writer
Email: Mindy.Stroiman@whrg.com
Phone: 262-523-7510


Linden Houghtby, MBA, GMS®

Linden Houghtby, GMS®
International Client Services Manager

Jennifer Eslby

Jennifer Elsby, GMS®
Client Services Manager

WHR Group, Inc. Named Top Workplace for the Seventh Consecutive Year

For the seventh consecutive year, WHR Group, Inc. (WHR) was named a Top Workplace by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. WHR’s passion and founding principle supports Advancing Lives Forward. This passion dictates how we treat our clients and employees. We believe in challenging, engaging, and empowering our employees to grow their careers and be successful. We want our employees to enjoy coming to work and take pride in their work. WHR is proud of this seven-time recognition and our talented team!

What is a Top Workplaces List?

The Top Workplaces lists are based solely on the results of an employee feedback survey administered by Energage, LLC (formerly Workplace Dynamics), a leading research firm that specializes in organizational health and workplace improvement. Any company can be nominated and it’s free to participate.

WHR’s 25 Years of Helping People — Success allows company to extend help in other communities

PEWAUKEE, Wis., July 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ – This year, as WHR Group, Inc. (WHR) – a global employee relocation company – celebrates its 25th anniversary of helping its clients’ employees through some of the most stressful times in their lives, the company also celebrates its ability to make an impact on people in other communities as well. WHR’s philanthropic efforts are helping low-income, inner-city K3-8th grade students and their families at St. Marcus School in Milwaukee, Wis., and at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., WHR’s generosity is helping to save pancreatic cancer patients’ lives.

Professional headshot photo of Roger Thrun, CEO of WHR Global

Donations to St. Marcus School

St. Marcus School, founded in 1872, is the largest urban Lutheran school in the U.S. “What makes St. Marcus so unique,” says Superintendent Henry Tyson, “is demonstrated by our exceptional results in a place that’s proven tough to get good results.” The government does not give enough financial support to deliver an exceptional education to each child, explains Tyson, but WHR’s philanthropic contributions have helped to bridge that gap. “Access to great education in a city where a great education is hard to find is transformational,” says Tyson.

The school, with two campuses just four blocks apart, is located in a predominantly low-income, inner-city neighborhood with a vision of working to ensure that every family has access to high-quality education in the city of Milwaukee. Its 2019-2020 State Report Card received five stars, meaning “significantly exceeds expectations.” Few schools in the inner city and even fewer that are low income and predominantly African American receive this type of State Report Card, explains Tyson. St. Marcus follows graduates for eight years and reports a 90% high school graduation rate.

WHR’s employees also participate in the St. Marcus Christmas Angels program. “Lots of our families are on tight budgets, and they cannot always bless and celebrate their children during the holidays with presents, and that can be upsetting. WHR has stepped in and said, ‘we will give and share what we have with people who have a lot less,’” says Tyson. Tyson believes the City of Milwaukee and our country have significant segregation. “It’s so beneficial for employees of WHR to meet and interact with our families, since it creates bridges. Anytime you can build bridges, it’s transformational for the students and their families.” WHR is a suburban company west of Milwaukee, Wis.

WHR Founder and Owner, Roger Thrun, who is originally from Chicago and raised lower middle class, reflects on WHR’s philanthropic efforts with both St. Marcus and Mayo Clinic. “It doesn’t matter what color someone’s skin is, all that matters is that our money and efforts are going to great causes and that we can help someone,” says Thrun. “I feel fortunate that WHR is able to help people in other communities and I can see tangible results from our philanthropic efforts. I know that St. Marcus School is influencing and shaping kids to be successful for the rest of their lives.” A cancer survivor himself, Thrun understands how important it is to receive good healthcare. “I also know that on any given day, someone is getting a personalized cancer plan that WHR paid for through our research funding program. This program saves lives.”

Funding Cancer Research at Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic’s Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Surgeon, Surgical Oncologist, Dr. Mark J. Truty’s, M.D., M.S., revolutionary research practice has found a proven way to help pancreatic cancer patients who have been told elsewhere that they are out of options. “There is such a stigma associated with pancreatic cancer,” says Truty. With the standard level of care, the survival rate is 5% after 5 years, dependent on the cancer Stage, explains Truty. His research practice has found a way to significantly increase those survival odds, giving patients much more time to enjoy their lives – even for some patients who have been told their cancer was inoperable. “WHR’s generous philanthropic contributions have made a massive impact and help to keep my program alive,” says Truty. The contributions have also drawn attention to Truty’s program. Many researchers are clamoring for support but having a benefactor like WHR points a finger at the program and makes it easier. “Lots of medical research is going into discovery, but I want to see something translational,” says Truty, who explains his research directly helps patients now.

Pancreatic cancer treatment is typically done serially. One drug is used, and if that doesn’t work, a second drug is tried. “The clock is ticking and time is lost with this method of treatment,” says Truty. His approach addresses the problem quite differently. A patient is given personalized chemotherapy treatments that have already been proven in Truty’s research lab to provide a high probability of effectiveness for that individual in shrinking the tumor before surgery. “The standard level of care is not good enough, we need to give patients something exceptional,” says Truty.  He is grateful for WHR’s support saying, “WHR’s owner Roger Thrun understands there’s something more important than just running a successful business, Roger understands the importance of giving back.”

“Yes, we buy real estate, yes, we help transferees find movers, but when you boil it down, we’re just helping people. Dr. Truty of Mayo Clinic and Henry Tyson of St. Marcus School are truly making a difference in people’s lives. Dr. Truty is saving lives and St. Marcus School is influencing kids who are already at a serious disadvantage and providing them with a positive launching pad for the rest of their lives,” says Thrun. Thrun is grateful for all his employees and clients. He is proud WHR is still going strong 25 years later and able to make such a positive impact in other communities.

About WHR Group Inc.

WHR Group Inc. (WHR) is a privately owned, client-driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best-in-class service delivery and cutting-edge, proprietary technology. WHR has offices in Pewaukee, Wis. (global headquarters), Zurich, Switzerland, and Singapore. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted provider in employee relocation. To learn more about WHR, visit https://www.whrg.com, or follow @WHRGroup on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

WHR Group Employee Relocation Celebrates 25th Anniversary

Media Contact
Mindy Stroiman, Corporate Writer 
Email: Mindy.Stroiman@whrg.com
Phone: 262-523-7510

PEWAUKEE, Wis., May 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ – WHR Group Inc. (WHR), a global leader in the employee relocation industry announced its 25th anniversary today. Founded 25 years ago in a bedroom of Founder Roger Thrun’s home, WHR has grown significantly from its humble beginnings. WHR now services some of the largest organizations in the world and has relocated hundreds of thousands of employees.

“I have so much to be thankful for,” says Thrun. The loyalty of his customers, including The Kraft Heinz Company, who was WHR’s very first client; his senior leadership team including President, Paul DeBoer, Thrun’s longtime friend who joined WHR 13 years ago; Director of Operations, Chris Lagerman, who has been with WHR for almost 20 years; CFO, Jamie Long, who was named 2019 CFO of the Year by the Milwaukee Business Journal; and many past/present loyal employees.

As the organization looks to the future and continues to provide service excellence to its clients, WHR has expanded internationally with offices in Zurich, Switzerland, and Singapore. Thrun’s son, Client Service Manager, Sean, heads up the Zurich office, while Client Service Manager, Linden Houghtby, leads the Singapore office. “These offices will allow WHR to provide our international clients with the high level of service and support they need,” says President, Paul DeBoer. “Having a follow-the-sun operational model is critical to providing true 24/7/365 service in all corners of the globe.”

“Thank you to all our clients, employees, directors and partners,” says Thrun. “None of this would have been possible without you!”

About WHR Group Inc.

WHR Group Inc. (WHR) is a privately owned, client-driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best-in-class service delivery and cutting-edge, proprietary technology. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted provider in relocation. To learn more about WHR, visit https://www.whrg.com, or follow @WHRGroup on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.



WHR Using Hospital-Grade Technology to Help Keep Office Employees Safe from COVID-19

Media Contact
Mindy Stroiman, Corporate Writer 
Email: Mindy.Stroiman@whrg.com
Phone: 262-523-7510

PEWAUKEE, Wis., May 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ Companies worldwide have relied on technology to keep their businesses running smoothly while employees have worked remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. WHR Group, Inc., (WHR) a global leader in the employee relocation industry, is using hospital-grade technology to help keep its office employees safe and healthy when the staff returns to the office.

WHR has contracted with Miami-based Intelligent Observation for its unique solution. The tested service, called IntelObserve, is currently in use at medical facilities including The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md., and Hospital Centers of America, one of the largest owners of hospital chains/medical care facilities in the U.S. When WHR employees return to the office, they will be issued a clip-on badge that provides the following functionality:

  • Real-Time Social Distancing Alert: If an employee is less than 6 feet from a co-worker, the badge will beep to remind the employee to adjust their proximity.
  • Real-Time Hand Hygiene Alert and Hand Sanitizing Stations: Hand sanitizing stations at strategic areas throughout the office including cafeterias, conference rooms and entry/exit doors. The employee’s badge will beep as a reminder to hand sanitize before entering and exiting designated areas.
  • Real-Time Tracking/Tracing: In the unfortunate circumstance that an employee contracts COVID-19, WHR can review and retrace the infected individual’s office movement for the prior 14 days to determine which other employees the infected employee may have been in contact with.

“Our employees have been working from home during Wisconsin’s Safer at Home order. When we determine it’s OK to return to the office, we want our employees to feel safe and we want to help keep them healthy,” said WHR President, Paul DeBoer. WHR’s leadership believes this solution will help accomplish just that.

The IntelObserve service is unique in that the cloud-based, real-time, service utilizes Near Field Magnetic Induction technology as opposed to many other products that use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID or Bluetooth). Years of hospital testing have proven Near Field Magnetic Induction to be more accurate than traditional radio frequency technologies, common in the marketplace. Also, many other technologies require badge charging every 8-12 hours versus WHR’s chosen solution which utilizes badges with a one-year battery life.

In addition to the IntelObserve solution, WHR will be conducting daily COVID-19 health screens, initiating staggered work hours and days, limiting the capacity in conference rooms, banning office visitors, not allowing shared food among employees, enacting a new floorplan so employees are sitting at least 6 feet apart and allowing fresh air into the building regularly. Maintenance has been performed on the HVAC in addition to replacing all air filters.

WHR Human Resource Manager, Kimberley Uitz, echoed DeBoer’s comments by saying, “Not only do we want to provide a safe and healthy workplace, but we want to make sure our employees feel comfortable coming into the office.”

About WHR Group, Inc.
WHR Group, Inc. (WHR) is a privately owned, client-driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best-in-class service delivery and cutting-edge, proprietary technology. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted provider in relocation. To learn more about WHR, visit https://www.whrg.com, or follow @WHRGroup on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
