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U.S. Domestic Relocation Policy Essentials
A well-crafted domestic employee relocation policy will improve the transferee experience, control costs, meet your employees’ needs, and help you win and retain new talent. Improving the employee...

Buyer Value Option (BVO) vs Guaranteed Buyout (GBO) Home Sale Programs. How Do they Compare?
In the realm of corporate relocation, home sale assistance programs play a crucial role in easing the transition for employees and companies alike. Among the relocation home sale programs, the most popular options are the Buyer Value Option (BVO) and the Guaranteed...

The Best Types of Expatriate Assignments for Your Mobility Program
Offering long-term, short-term or extended business international assignments can be a powerful tool for retaining (and attracting) top talent. Read the blog to determine the best option for your mobility program.

U.S. Domestic Relocation Policy Essentials
A well-crafted domestic employee relocation policy will improve the transferee experience, control costs, meet your employees’ needs, and help you...

Buyer Value Option (BVO) vs Guaranteed Buyout (GBO) Home Sale Programs. How Do they Compare?
In the realm of corporate relocation, home sale assistance programs play a crucial role in easing the transition for employees and companies alike. Among the relocation home sale programs, the most popular options are the Buyer Value Option (BVO) and the Guaranteed...

The Best Types of Expatriate Assignments for Your Mobility Program
Offering long-term, short-term or extended business international assignments can be a powerful tool for retaining (and attracting) top talent. Read the blog to determine the best option for your mobility program.
Business Expansion During a Pandemic: Meeting Global Mobility Needs
As Covid restrictions have eased in most parts of the world, many businesses are functioning normally. We all know too well the huge strain the pandemic put on businesses worldwide, as some companies did not survive. Like most organizations, WHR Group, Inc. (WHR), a...
Win in the War for Talent: Attracting and Retaining Employees in Hybrid and Remote Work Models
Are the hybrid and remote working models here to stay? Countless studies have shown that employees want the ability to work remotely, at least part of the time. One study showed 83% of workers prefer a hybrid model. Another survey, by the Pulse of the American Worker,...
WHR Group, Inc., (WHR) announces its 2022 Partner in Quality Award winners. Recipients are WHR Global Network Partners who exceeded customer satisfaction and service excellence throughout 2021. To be considered for a Partner in Quality Award, a partner must complete...
WHR Global Announces International Training Program for its Employees
On March 1st, 2022, WHR Global (WHR) announced its first-ever global training program for its employees. Staff in WHR’s US, Switzerland, and Singapore offices now have the opportunity to visit another global office for up to four weeks as part of a multi-year...
The Duty of Care: Employee Relocation Policies for Better Business
With global relocation becoming the new normal, millions of professionals take up different assignments and relocate annually. Mobility is proving to be the cornerstone for business expansion and increasing revenue. Business owners must understand that there are a...
Competitive Real Estate Market and Relocating Your Employees
A recent study conducted by IBIS World stated that in the last five years, the Employee Relocation Industry has had a growth of $13.9 billion, which is at 0.4 percent annually. It is believed that the impetus for this growth is due to the rising economy and corporate...
International Relocation Challenges: What You Need to Know
When you relocate a worker to a new location, they are going through an entirely new process. They are beginning a path of self-discovery that will include cultural, financial, and emotional adjustments. When an employee relocates internationally, these emotions are...
Relocation, Why Do You Need to Focus on Mobility Initiatives?
The global economy is changing, and while it is here to stay, it is time for companies to develop their hiring and employment structures to think beyond domestic borders. Employers should be able to give their employees the right position within the company...
How Relocation Management Helps Talent Mobility Strategies
A 2021 study revealed that 73 percent of employers in North America find it hard to attract employees. While there have been many reasons that have led to this new trend, the duty is now on organizations and employers to be agile and flexible when it comes to...
Ready to learn more about how we can help with your relocation services?