Relocation is an ever-changing, ever-evolving industry. The ripple effect is impactful with each new government regulation or change to the housing market. WHR’s newly developed Relocation Toolbox aims to meet the growing needs of the global mobility professional. It can be daunting to stay ahead of the game or know what’s coming next. The Relocation Toolbox features four tools for anyone to use: The Policy Designer, The Relocation RFP Generator, The Cost Estimator, and The Policy Benchmark Comparison Tool.

employee relocation, relocation tools

The Problem

Whether you relocate five people or five thousand people annually, chances are you face similar core issues when running a relocation program:

  • Inaccessible or unreliable cost estimates,
  • Uncertainty of competitor benefit offerings,
  • Unclear on key relocation management company (RMC) differentiators, and
  • Apprehension for where to start with writing or rewriting a policy with best practices.

The problem is, it’s difficult to find this information in one location. Some may come from your current RMC – if you’re lucky – and some can come from internet searches. But how reliable is the information? And how long will it take to find it?

The Solution

WHR’s new Relocation Toolbox solves each of the aforementioned problems in a free, simple to use format. Our core values of trustworthiness and empathy are embodied within these tools. Each one has been painstakingly reviewed for accuracy and effectiveness. For example, our Cost Estimator consolidates multiple points of information, some from our proprietary database and some supplied by the user, into a usable report.

The Policy Designer

For companies who are looking to revamp their current policies, or build a new one, the policy designer builds a custom policy with answering just a handful of questions. On average, it takes approximately 3 minutes to answer the questions. Upon submission, you’ll receive a fully usable policy in your email inbox with best practices included.

The Relocation Request for Proposal (RFP) Generator

Running a relocation request for proposal (RFP) can be a daunting task. Before completing the generator, we’d recommend that you read our recent blog on the pro’s and con’s of going out to bid. If you’re set on running an RFP, think about why you’re running it. Then, include that information in your RFP (we’ve included a spot for it in the document you’ll receive!). This is critical information not only for the participating RMCs, but also for your company to get everyone on the same page in a clear manner. The RFP Generator contains best practice questions as well as customized sections based on your unique program needs, and takes only 3 minutes to create.

The Cost Estimator

There is a plethora of reasons why you would need an accurate, upfront relocation cost estimate. For example, perhaps you’re evaluating two candidates. If cost plays a large role, you can run each instance through the Cost Estimator to better guide your decision-making process. Having clear cost consciousness allows for better budgeting and understanding of where each dollar is being or will be spent. Our Cost Estimator features proprietary data from thousands of relocations to build the most accurate, effective cost report within minutes.

The Policy Benchmark Comparison Tool

Relocation benchmark studies are common, but often require you to sift through pages and pages of content that may or may not apply to you. WHR’s Benchmark Comparison Tool creates a custom report for you to see a side-by-side comparison of your program to our most recent Mobility + Culture benchmark study. The Mobility + Culture benchmark report featured companies from across the United States, with both domestic and international relocation programs. Participating in full benchmark studies can be cumbersome and time consuming; our Benchmark Comparison Tool features a stripped down version of our study with only the most important questions asked. The survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete, with the side-by-side report emailed to you within minutes.

Our Promise

As trustworthy, hardworking individuals, we believe these tools will elevate any global mobility program to the next level. We know that information and data can be hard to find, and it is our goal to make information always transparent and readily available to not only our clients but the greater public. WHR’s Relocation Toolbox truly meets the need of today’s global mobility professional.