A 2021 study revealed that 73 percent of employers in North America find it hard to attract employees. While there have been many reasons that have led to this new trend, the duty is now on organizations and employers to be agile and flexible when it comes to retaining their workforce.
Employers need the best talent and mobility to be able to make shifts. It is also crucial that employees are given the right motivation to meet the high standards of the organization and stay on the job. One way is to build talent management into the company’s hiring system, which should also include talent mobility and relocation program management. You may be wondering why these two are important in retaining your workforce and how each of these fits with each. Read further as we unravel the entire picture for you.
What Is Talent or Employee Mobility?
If we put it simply, the concept of talent or employee mobility is the migration or moving of in-house company employees to another place or job position. The benefit is you can bring out the best optimization of the employee’s talent for the organization. The practice of talent mobility is to warrant that the employee gains new skills by moving within the organization.
With new roles and responsibilities offered to them, the employee should not feel stagnant and more inclined to stay with the company. The process aims to develop the talent and put them in the right place in the organization, so the result is developing a successful business.
What Is Relocation Management?
Relocation management is the process of a provider, like WHR Global, offering expedited relocation logistics for other companies and their employees to both domestic and international places. A relocation program management company works with an enterprise or business to relocate employees in an effective and cost-efficient manner. A business hires a relocation management company to warrant a hassle-free relocation process for the employees since it is a complex process. It is also time-consuming, personally challenging for the employee, and an expensive process. Especially when left to the employee or the HR of the business.
Well-established relocation management companies will provide software along with mobile and web applications that the employee and employer can access easily to get on board with the relocation process. All the required information for a smooth transition will be available to the employees about the new place and the procedures they must undertake for the relocation.
Single Relocation Management Platform
Relocation management software needs to be in place when employee mobility is part of a company’s process. The relocation software should be robust enough to clearly cover the process for management, HR, and the employee who is being relocated. Additionally, a single relocation management software platform should be able to handle the vendors engaged, the key compliances, and important dates pertaining to relocation. This greatly increases accountability by all the parties involved in the relocation process for a seamless experience.
Signing Documents
A talent relocation management company like WHR has the technology so that the employer, the employee, and HR can access the same relocation management platform for signing the necessary documents required for relocation. The automated service of sharing the data and documents with the signees makes the process smoother. It ensures all the documents are in place, and each one has their own copy without the possibility of missing any, which can happen with paper documents. There are numerous variables and a relocation management platform can help.
By integrating relocation management software and service into talent mobility, your company is preparing a better experience for your relocating employees. All the while ensuring you save money in the process. WHR Global, as a relocation management provider, offers a comprehensive relocation management program with years of experience in the field. You can trust that you and your employees are in good hands.